Monkee Says...

Total entries: 2
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WLHack's Directional Sprites by WLHack 14kb (Downloaded 1733 times)

This is a set of various different objects that are best suited for use as directional sprites (coding required, of course). Some of these look like modified sprites I've seen in other projects, while others I haven't seen used before. Please give credit to WLHack if you use these objects in your project.
User rating: 3.6 (25 votes)
Categories: Other Stuff, Objects
Date added: 2006-05-19

WLHack's Static Sprites by WLHack 13kb (Downloaded 1768 times)

This is a set of various different objects that can be used to replace any sprites from the original Wolf3D or SOD. They range from slightly modified sprites from the original games to some I haven't seen used in projects before. Please give credit to WLHack if you use these objects in your project.
User rating: 2.6 (19 votes)
Categories: Other Stuff, Objects
Date added: 2006-05-19

Goto page 1

Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4