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SS Uber Martin by Sandy 18kb (Downloaded 422 times)

This character uses the body of Hans the Axe from the Lost Episodes, with the head of one of the characters from the ROTT original concept art. It is being used in "Operation Eisenkrieg" by Sandy. Please give credit to Sandy if you would like to use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.0 (9 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-01-01

Steel Bender by RGamesINC 14kb (Downloaded 415 times)

Submitted by "RGamesINC", this character uses elements of enemies from Corridor 7 and Doom 2 blended together. There are attacking and dying frames, but no movement frames. Please give credit to RGamesINC if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 2.0 (7 votes)
Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Bosses, Robots
Date added: 2005-10-25

Stewie by Ian Summerfield 24kb (Downloaded 408 times)

Submitted by "Ian Summerfield", this appears to be a hand drawn character (Stewie) from Family Guy. This character has a full set of attacks and is most likely designed to replace Otto giftmacher or the Hitler Ghost. Please give credit to Ian Summerfield if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 2.5 (6 votes)
Categories: Bosses,
Date added: 2005-05-11

Stewie by Ian Summerfield 53kb (Downloaded 396 times)

Submitted by "Ian Summerfield", this appears to be a hand drawn character (Stewie) from Family Guy. This character is designed in 86x86 format, and is intended for use in Doom rather than Wolf mods. Please give credit to Ian Summerfield if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.0 (4 votes)
Categories: Bosses,
Date added: 2005-09-15

Strawberry Shortcake by Joshua Moore 12kb (Downloaded 390 times)

This character is hand drawn, and is based on the diabolical (or not) character by the same name from the "Strawberry Shortcake" cartoon. Designed to replace Hans and Trans type bosses who attack with shooting only. Please give credit to Joshua Moore if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 2.1 (13 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Cartoons, Females
Date added: 2005-03-21

Street Fighter Guys by TobiXY 125kb (Downloaded 530 times)

This is a collection of three different characters based on the "Street Fighter" game series. Two of them are guards, and one of them is a boss. The zip includes E. Honda, Ryu, and Ken. Please give credit to TobiXY if you use these characters in your project.
User rating: 2.2 (5 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Guards, Males
Date added: 2005-03-10

Strogg Tank by RGamesINC 22kb (Downloaded 453 times)

This character uses the Hitler armour as a slight base along with either hans or gretal. This character has been heavily edited and is made to look like the Strogg Tank from Quake 2. Please give credit to RGamesINC if you use this charater in your project.
User rating: 4.0 (7 votes)
Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Bosses
Date added: 2005-05-17

Submarine Sally by The Incredible Pete 23kb (Downloaded 634 times)

This character uses Submarine Willie as a base, with recoloration done to the body, and editing done to the face and head. Please give credit to The Incredible Pete if you use this character in your project. Currently appears in no TC projects.
User rating: 3.6 (15 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Females
Date added: 2005-01-01

Super Ed by Ian Summerfield 17kb (Downloaded 423 times)

This character is designed to look like "Ed" from Ed'Edd'Eddy, he is also hand drawn. He can replace any boss with a chaingun. Please give credit to Ian Summerfield if you wish to use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.3 (3 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Cartoons
Date added: 2005-05-20

Super Soldat by Ian Summerfield 20kb (Downloaded 594 times)

This character uses the body of Mecha Hitler with the head of Submarine Willie, and guns taken from characters from Spear Resurrection. It is designed to be a mutant based on prototypes by Dr Schabbs. Designed to appear in a mod called "Guns and Glory" by Ian (Little Cherub), Conner94, and Richard Kelly. Please give credit to Ian Summerfield if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.2 (8 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males, Robots
Date added: 2005-08-05

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Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4