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Weapon Sets
Total entries: 32
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O:L Weapon Set by Mr Wolf 18kb (Downloaded 1029 times)

This is a set of four weapons designed by Mr Wolf to go with the sets of guards he also submitted. They were used in "Operation: Letzterschutz", so they were not released for download initially. There is a knife, pistol, AK-47, and heavy machine gun, with some pickup sprites as well. Please give credit to Mr Wolf if you use these in your project.
User rating: 4.3 (23 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-01-20

PayDay Power Weapon by Joshua Moore 18kb (Downloaded 424 times)

This weapon is hand drawn, and is designed to serve as a missile launcher type weapon in Wolfenstein mods (though it can be used to replace the rocket launcher in Doom as well). Sprites are included for the weapon and ammo pickup, as well as the coin projectiles. Please give credit to Joshua Moore if you use this weapon in your project.
User rating: 1.9 (18 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-03-08

Plasma Rifle by JackaL 4kb (Downloaded 510 times)

This weapon appears to be hand drawn, and can be used as a replacement for any firing weapon. Frames for the shooting sequence are included in the zip, though there is not a pickup sprite for this weapon. Please give credit to JackaL if you use this weapon in your project.
User rating: 2.9 (9 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-07-14

Pulse Cannon by Justin 10kb (Downloaded 424 times)

Submitted by "Justin", this weapon uses frames from a weapon from Blake Stone as a base, and it is a set of 8 frames intended to be used for shotgun type weapons. Justin is using it in his project "Operation Asssassination", and would like credit if you use these sprites in your project. Please note that the sprites are in GIF format, and will need to be converted to be used.
User rating: 2.6 (7 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-03-23

Pulse Rifle by Conner94 4kb (Downloaded 528 times)

Submitted by Conner94, this weapon uses frames from the original Wolf3D machine gun weapon, with some significant recoloration. Designed to be an M1A Pulse Rifle. Originally intended to be used for alien type mods, though it doesn't have to be. Please give credit to Conner94 if you use this weapon in your project.
User rating: 2.5 (4 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-08-11

S-blaster 3d Set by Johannes Unser 140kb (Downloaded 603 times)

This is collection of enemies and weapons used in his upcoming project "S-Blaster 3D". All frames for each enemy and weapon are included in seperate zips within the zip file. Pictures from a couple of the characters are shown above, and information about them is included in the zip. Please give credit to Johannes Unser if you use any of this material in your project, and include a link to his site in your project's documentation (the site address is included in the information in the zip file).
User rating: 2.2 (12 votes)
Categories: Guards, Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-01-01

Silent Hill Weapons by Justin Bokowski 20kb (Downloaded 616 times)

This appears to be completely hand-drawn and is designed to look like the Weapons from Silent Hill for PS1. The weapons ar as follows: Emergency Hammer, Cybil's Handgun, shotgun, and the Hyperblaster. Please give credit to "Justin Bokowski" if you use these weapons in your project.
User rating: 3.2 (5 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-05-11

Triad Pistol by Joshua Moore 3kb (Downloaded 609 times)

This weapon was taken out of the PC game "Rise of the Triad: Dark War" and converetd to Wolf3D format. Joshua is using it in his upcoming TC "Game Warz". Please give credit to Joshua Moore if you use this weapon in your project.
User rating: 3.1 (8 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-03-23

Walther Pistol by The Josh 5kb (Downloaded 673 times)

This gun was designed by The Josh for use in the TC "Warstorm". Please give credit to The Josh if you would like to use this weapon in your project. A variation is currently appearing in "Warstorm".
User rating: 3.1 (7 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-01-01

Weapon Pickups by MINOTAURiii975 21kb (Downloaded 824 times)

MINOTAURiii975 found these weapons in a graphics sheet file and seperated and submitted them (he's not sure who the original designer was, though). If you use them, he does not want credit for creating them. If you are the original creator of these sprites, email me and let me know.
User rating: 2.7 (6 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-02-21

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Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4