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Total entries: 4
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Orb Wall Set by Adam Biser 38kb (Downloaded 1178 times)

This is a set of unused walls from Adam Biser's project, "Orb of Dilaaria". There are a variety of different walls included, most of which have a fantasy type look to them. Please give credit to Adam Biser if you use these walls in your project.
User rating: 3.0 (14 votes)
Categories: Wall Sets
Date added: 2005-01-24

Prof. Julius McGuffin by Joshua Moore 10kb (Downloaded 385 times)

This character is based on a character from the 3D Playstation 2 game "Ty the Tasmanian Tiger". It is hand drawn, and is designed to replace the fake Hitler in Wolfenstein. There is no new set of fireball animations with the character. Please give credit to Joshua Moore if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 1.2 (8 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Cartoons
Date added: 2005-01-24

WW2 Japanese Officer by The Man Who Knows 133kb (Downloaded 759 times)

This character is based on the officer from Wolfenstein, but his uniform has been edited to look more like that of a Japanese WW2 officer instead of a Nazi. Please give credit to The Man Who Knows if you use this guard in your project.
User rating: 3.4 (9 votes)
Categories: Guards, Males
Date added: 2005-01-24

WW2 Japanese Soldier by The Man Who Knows 122kb (Downloaded 806 times)

This character is based on the brown guard from Wolfenstein, but his uniform has been edited to look more like that of a Japanese WW2 soldier instead of a Nazi. Please give credit to The Man Who Knows if you use this guard in your project.
User rating: 2.9 (16 votes)
Categories: Guards, Males
Date added: 2005-01-24

Goto page 1

Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4