Monkee Says...

Total entries: 7
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Chainsaw Maniac by MINOTAURiii975

This character uses elements of the "hostage" character by Mr Wolf and the chainsaw from Max's "leatherface" mixed together with some editing done to the head and other elements. It is designed to look like an enemy from Resident Evil 4. Please give credit to MINOTAURiii975 if you use the design for this character in your project.
User rating: 3.5 (19 votes)
Categories: Ideas
Date added: 2005-02-14

Double Barrel Shotgun by Josh 11kb (Downloaded 1015 times)

Submitted by "Josh", this is basically the double barrel shotgun from Doom II, converted into useable format for Wolf3D. Please give credit to Josh for extracting and converting the sprites and ID software for the original art if you use this weapon in your project.
User rating: 4.2 (16 votes)
Categories: Weapon Sets
Date added: 2005-02-14

Fleshbott by MINOTAURiii975

This thing is a mixture of pieces from characters from Doom, Corridor 7, and the SOD Lost Episodes, combined to look like a tread mounted robot/monster. Please give credit to MINOTAURiii975 if you use the idea for this character in your project.
User rating: 2.8 (5 votes)
Categories: Ideas
Date added: 2005-02-14

Knight Templar by The Man Who Knows

This character is similar in design to the "Oberpreister Von Blut" character, also by The Man Who Knows, but with a lot of additions and modifications. Appears to use some elements of the "Freddy" character by Max, but is mostly original artwork. Please give credit to The Man Who Knows if you use the design for this character in your project.
User rating: 3.8 (16 votes)
Categories: Ideas
Date added: 2005-02-14

Professor Antium by Ian Summerfield 24kb (Downloaded 723 times)

This character is a cross between Ubermutant from SOD and Otto Giftmacher from the original Wolf3D. He is best suited for replacing shooting only bosses from the original Wolf3D games. Please give credit to Ian Summerfield if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 2.8 (12 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Mutants
Date added: 2005-02-14

Sabaoth 2 by RGamesINC 125kb (Downloaded 862 times)

Submitted by "RGamesINC", this character uses elements from several different sources, including Doom, Duke 3D, and Wolf3D. It is designed to look like a character from Doom 3, but in the Wolfenstein fashion. Please give credit to RGamesINC and ID software if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 4.1 (17 votes)
Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Bosses, Doom
Date added: 2005-02-14

Ultra Zombie by Joshua Moore 25kb (Downloaded 537 times)

A cross between the Mancubus enemy from Doom II, and the soldier zombie from both of the first two Doom games. Serves best as a replacement for bosses who just shoot like Hans or Trans. Please give credit to Joshua Moore if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 1.9 (18 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Doom
Date added: 2005-02-14

Goto page 1

Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4