Monkee Says...

Total entries: 2
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Barney Calhoun by TobiXY 58kb (Downloaded 1058 times)

Submitted by TobiXY, this character uses the brown guard from Wolf3D as a base, with some editing to make his uniform resemble that of Barney Calhoun (the security guard) from "Half Life". Please give credit to TobiXY if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.3 (18 votes)
Categories: Guards, Males
Date added: 2005-02-25

Pet Trainer by Joshua Moore

This character uses elements of the brown guard from Wolf3D, and is designed to resemble the character by the same name from "The Sims Unleashed". Please give credit to Joshua Moore if you use the idea for this character in your project.
User rating: 2.1 (9 votes)
Categories: Ideas
Date added: 2005-02-25

Goto page 1

Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4