Monkee Says...

Total entries: 3
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Moe by Joshua Moore

This is "Moe" from the simpsons. This character appears to be handrawn, and yet I think "Simpsons Doom II." Anyways, if you use this character in your project. Please give credit to "Joshua Moore."
User rating: 2.3 (12 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Cartoons, Males
Date added: 2005-05-16

Mortal Kombat Characters by RGamesINC

These characters have hand drawn elements and appear to be based on the golem from Heretic, except one - Raiden. These are obviously based on the Mortal Kombat game so if you wish to these ideas in your project, please give credit to "RGamesINC."
User rating: 4.1 (15 votes)
Categories: Ideas
Date added: 2005-05-16

Plankton by Ian Summerfield 29kb (Downloaded 581 times)

This character, appears to be based on "Plankton", from the cartoon Sponge Bob. He appears to be hand drawn. Please give credit to "Ian Summerfield" if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.6 (7 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Cartoons, Spongebob
Date added: 2005-05-16

Goto page 1

Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4