Monkee Says...

Total entries: 2
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Illusion Trooper by RGamesINC 63kb (Downloaded 670 times)

This character is a cross between the marine and the former sergeant from Doom. The frames from both characters have been morphed together. Though this character can be used to replace any guard, RGamesINC says that it works well as an officer replacement. Please give credit to RGamesINC if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 4.0 (9 votes)
Categories: Doom, Guards
Date added: 2005-11-10

Jackhammer by RGamesINC 9kb (Downloaded 397 times)

This character is hand drawn and was originally inspired by a game character by the name of Quagmire (which game this comes from was not mentioned). The chaingun on the side and shading are new additions. Can be used to replace just about any shooting Wolf boss. Please give credit to RGamesINC if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 2.8 (5 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Robots
Date added: 2005-11-10

Goto page 1

Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4