Monkee Says...

Total entries: 2
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Balrog by Majik Monkee 20kb (Downloaded 1019 times)

I invented the idea for this enemy and several others as a joke, and decided to turn it into an actual sprite set even though I didn't plan to use it. It's basically an Archville from Doom II with a Doom Lost Soul for a head. Useful for replacing shooting bosses or even guards if you don't mind them having front frames only.
User rating: 2.5 (29 votes)
Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Bosses, Doom
Date added: 2005-12-07

Horror Face by Majik Monkee 18kb (Downloaded 765 times)

This is another smashingly good character I designed as a joke and decided to do all the frames for anyway. It's a cross between two more Doom characters, in case you couldn't tell. It wasn't designed with any use in mind originally, though it would probably work best as a Schabbs or Otto replacement.
User rating: 2.6 (11 votes)
Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Bosses, Doom
Date added: 2005-12-07

Goto page 1

Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4