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Franz Grosse by KyleRTCW 22kb (Downloaded 509 times)

This character uses Trans Grosse as a base, with recoloration done to the body armor. Please give credit to KyleRTCW if you use this character in your project. Currently appears in no TC projects.
User rating: 2.2 (12 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-01-01

Franz Gruber by Majik Monkee 20kb (Downloaded 536 times)

This character uses elements of every boss in Wolf3D except for Gretel (though in some cases it's just a single frame of one of their guns). Designed to replace missile and chaingun using bosses like Fatface or Barnacle Wilhelm.
User rating: 4.2 (14 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-02-03

Freddy by Mäx 21kb (Downloaded 1035 times)

This character appears to use Dr Schabbs as a base, but with extensive editing done to all of the frames. Designed to look like Freddy Krueger from the "Nightmare on Elm St." movies. Currently appears in the TC "Sensenmann". Please give credit to Mäx if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.8 (28 votes)
Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Awarded, Bosses, Movie Monsters, Males
Date added: 2005-01-01

Funk Alpha Version by Mäx 21kb (Downloaded 339 times)

This character uses the body of Hans Grosse, with what appears to be an actual photograph of someone's head scaled to fit the body. Please give credit to Mäx if you would like to use this character in your project.
User rating: 2.2 (10 votes)
Categories: Bosses
Date added: 2005-01-01

Gen Cliff Henderson by Justin 22kb (Downloaded 457 times)

This character uses General Fettsgehist as a base, and the edited head of Hans Grosse. Please give credit to Justin if you would like to use this character in your project. Currently appears in no projects.
User rating: 2.2 (6 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-01-01

General Cartosa by RGamesINC 18kb (Downloaded 767 times)

This character uses elements of the former commando from Doom II, with editing done to the costume, head, and death frames. Please email RGamesINC for permission if you would like to use this character in your project. Currently appears in "Legacy of Kevin Cartosa".
User rating: 4.2 (6 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-01-01

General Essenhoff by Josh 17kb (Downloaded 341 times)

This character uses Otto Giftmacher's body, with the head of Barnacle Wilhelm, both from SOD. Currently does not appear in any projects. Give credit to Josh if you use this character.
User rating: 2.0 (9 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-01-01

General Grievous by Ian Summerfield 97kb (Downloaded 542 times)

Submitted by Ian Summerfield (aka Little Cherub), this character was hand drawn, and is based on the character by the same name from "Revenge of the Sith". He is currently scheduled to make an unexplained appearance in Ian's "Invasion of the Cartoons 2". Please give credit to Ian Summerfield if you use this character in your project.
User rating: 3.8 (9 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Cartoons, Robots
Date added: 2005-06-07

General Ivanns by Justin 39kb (Downloaded 597 times)

This character uses elements of many of the original Wolfenstein bosses, as well as some of the SOD bosses. He is designed to be a two phase boss, and has a normal phase and a zombie phase. Please note that the frames in the zip were submitted in GIF format and will need to be converted before use.
User rating: 2.9 (8 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-03-14

General Lukas Jäger by Majik Monkee 16kb (Downloaded 728 times)

I designed this character using my Pistol Ocelot character as a base so that he would attack with a pistol instead of chainguns. I used some parts of some of the other bosses I've created to give him a more WW2 German look. He has an optional reloading frame included with the standard moving, attacking, and dying frames.
User rating: 4.2 (13 votes)
Categories: Bosses, Males
Date added: 2005-01-31

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Submissions and comments: Majik Monkee
Site design by: Adam Biser
Version 1.12.4

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